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    Build your professional toolbox as you rotate through key Power Design departments with our Power Track Program. By the end of your rotation, you'll be empowered with the skills and tools needed to advance your career and be more effective in your role, while making an immediate impact in the industry.
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    Level Up Your Career

    The Power Track Program gives you the opportunity to experience various operational careers at Power Design. Every few months, you’ll join a new team to learn the ins-and-outs of what they do firsthand.

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    How it Works

    Learn on the Job

    Our Power Track participants work on multi-million-dollar projects from coast to coast. Over the span of two years, you will rotate through four Power Design departments, gaining critical exposure to the construction industry, supporting project teams in key deliverables, and working closely with our Field Teams on jobsites. Once you've completed the program, you’ll be ready to jump-start your career with everything you've learned! 

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    Building Your Network

    Team Up to Win

    By being exposed to life on different teams, you’ll cross the finish line of the Power Track Program with a clearer understanding of the business as a whole. Along the way, you’ll form stronger professional relationships by meeting and learning from experienced team members across the company – setting you up for collaborative and powerful teamwork with professional peers you can count on.

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    Award-Winning Culture

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    “Gaining knowledge in each department helped me have a better understanding of how Power Design works and ultimately helped me become a more well-rounded team member in Operations. I’m grateful for all my mentors and am eager to return the mentorship I received from them to the latest group of Project Engineers going through the Power Track Program.”

    Jeff M. // Operations Assistant Project Manager

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    “Joining this program was the best thing I could have done for my career! Getting to network throughout so many departments has helped me cultivate the relationships and resources that I know will set me apart as I grow in the company. The Power Track Program is paving a new path for Power Design, and the future is bright!”

    Ameera S. // Low Voltage Assistant Project Manager

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    "This program was a fantastic way for me to gain experience in the construction industry while doing meaningful work. My mentors not only taught me how to do my day-to-day tasks, but they also explained the ‘why’ in everything. Having studied engineering, I find knowing the ‘why’ incredibly valuable as it helps me understand the full scope of what I’m working on.”

    Carlos R. // Business Process Engineer

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    Skylines and Careers


    Ready to jump on the Power Track at Power Design?